What next from these clowns at Westminster?? Why do we persist with this utter nonsense. It would seem that a load of "Kids" had elected another load of "Kids" and they were dominating the playground at a kids school called Westminster. Why do we persist with this stupidity? Isn't it time we all grew up and said enough of this nonsense. We should return to the old old system of County Government for internal governance, and Westminster for the odd International Paper. Now that Peter the Meddlesom has gone, we can ignore most of the other shi***** that is the WTO. or the United Nations. Long past the time we abandoned them. And stopped wasting the money.
Then look again at the European Union, it costs the British Taxpayer at least £2,000,000,000. That is two Thousand Million £Pounds Each Week. I'll tell you what, that would save a lot of people defaulting on their mortgages if that money was not taken from them to pay some silly arse employed in a NON-JOB.
As British Subjects, why do we, you, put up with all this nonsense?? There is absolutely nothing to stop any, or all of you working Taxpayers from having your income paid off-shore, complete without any stoppages. All you then need to do, is inform the nearest HMRC Office to the location where you live and declare you only remit the TaxFree amount of money and I will show you how to pay your bills without breaking any Rules or Regulations regarding Taxation.
That bunch of Rubbish at Westminster, I'll give them pay Mandleson £1Million severance money. Remember, every bloody penny of that belongs to you, the Taxpayers. Now do as I, we, say. Don't let them get away with another bloody penny of your hard earned money. You, and all the other Taxpayers, take control of Taxation and you tell that bunch of crap what you are prepared to let them have. And another thing, we only need 172 English MPs the other three parts of the Union must do as they think fit, and bloody well pay for it.
Come on then. It's your Country. It's your bloody money. Who is with me, to put together our Sovereignty and once again show the world how to fight for our Independent Democracy. A great deal of todays trouble is the fault of our half arsed Bankers and money men playing fast and loose with the Politics of the day. Two or three times a year, since 2005, at least, Mervyn King, Govenor of The Bank of England has warned of the excess debt. He was ignored. In 1985, Lord Beswick warned of the danger in the House of Lords, but still we rolled on to disaster and now we must pay the price. Well done Westminster and all who sink with her.
Enough for now, time I was in bed. Kind Regards, ATFlynn, "Norfolk's Mutineer"
Monday, October 20, 2008
Westminster and their "shovelers" in Whitehall, have now adopted a new theme song; "And now the end is near and now we face the final curtain".
Let me point out to you poor bloody lot out there, paying your Taxes every time that lot of "crap" says Pay-up. This is your Country, that is your bloody money, not theirs. And they have NO legitimate claim to so much, AS ONE PENNY, of your bloody money. And I will show you how to remove that power from Parliament. At my age, I have no use for it, I want it to go to each and every County in the Country of England. Scotland, Wales and Ireland will follow their own path.
Now, please forgive me. But at the age of 73, not far short of 74, I feel I should let you have the benefit of my experience, so here we go. First, it is your DUTY to protect your earnings your income and your profits. That Bl****money belongs to you. Not some bunch of nonsense MPs at Westminster. If they want money, send the buggers out to work. If anyone should be daft enough to employ them. Yes, there are one or two very good MPs., Frank Field comes to mind at once so does Michael Howard and Vince Cable. And yes, I have spoken to a small number of people from the Treasury, and I must have had a good day, because I found a small number of absolutely Honest People. Before you ask, yes, I do have written correspondence from most of them. And, I would add, they are sympathetic to the idea that the poor old Taxpayer should be in a position to stop this nonsense of a bunch of wasters at Westminster, taking money from the pockets of the Working Taxpayer, to give to another bunch of wasters who promise to vote for them. Check these numbers, Voting Population, 39 Million, (BBC figures 2005). Working Taxpayers, 30.5 Million 2007 November. Gov. figures.
Go over the whole out-put of most Gov. Dept., there is absolutely nothing in the way of information that you can rely on. Blair and Len Cook, (the books) saw to that.
Now move on to today. A Treasury that is as bare as Mother Hubbards cupboard, and they intend to go on a gigantic spending spree?? And at your expence??? What are these silly arsehole thinking about????
I would expect most of you, if not quite all of you, are up to date with the £2000,000,000,000. Two Thousand Billion £Pound of debt that the Gay Gordon has layed on to take the Labour party into the the year 2100 and beyond?? No one alive today will live to see the end of this Nulabour Third way Politics. Ask that arsehole, Sir David King. He was one of the Principal criminals, and if like me you think these "Items of Scum" deserve recognition as Humanbeings, they should be EXECUTED.
ENOUGH FOR NOW. Time to have a cup of tea and a very large Whisky. Back later.
Regards ATFlynn. "Norfolk's Mutineer"
Let me point out to you poor bloody lot out there, paying your Taxes every time that lot of "crap" says Pay-up. This is your Country, that is your bloody money, not theirs. And they have NO legitimate claim to so much, AS ONE PENNY, of your bloody money. And I will show you how to remove that power from Parliament. At my age, I have no use for it, I want it to go to each and every County in the Country of England. Scotland, Wales and Ireland will follow their own path.
Now, please forgive me. But at the age of 73, not far short of 74, I feel I should let you have the benefit of my experience, so here we go. First, it is your DUTY to protect your earnings your income and your profits. That Bl****money belongs to you. Not some bunch of nonsense MPs at Westminster. If they want money, send the buggers out to work. If anyone should be daft enough to employ them. Yes, there are one or two very good MPs., Frank Field comes to mind at once so does Michael Howard and Vince Cable. And yes, I have spoken to a small number of people from the Treasury, and I must have had a good day, because I found a small number of absolutely Honest People. Before you ask, yes, I do have written correspondence from most of them. And, I would add, they are sympathetic to the idea that the poor old Taxpayer should be in a position to stop this nonsense of a bunch of wasters at Westminster, taking money from the pockets of the Working Taxpayer, to give to another bunch of wasters who promise to vote for them. Check these numbers, Voting Population, 39 Million, (BBC figures 2005). Working Taxpayers, 30.5 Million 2007 November. Gov. figures.
Go over the whole out-put of most Gov. Dept., there is absolutely nothing in the way of information that you can rely on. Blair and Len Cook, (the books) saw to that.
Now move on to today. A Treasury that is as bare as Mother Hubbards cupboard, and they intend to go on a gigantic spending spree?? And at your expence??? What are these silly arsehole thinking about????
I would expect most of you, if not quite all of you, are up to date with the £2000,000,000,000. Two Thousand Billion £Pound of debt that the Gay Gordon has layed on to take the Labour party into the the year 2100 and beyond?? No one alive today will live to see the end of this Nulabour Third way Politics. Ask that arsehole, Sir David King. He was one of the Principal criminals, and if like me you think these "Items of Scum" deserve recognition as Humanbeings, they should be EXECUTED.
ENOUGH FOR NOW. Time to have a cup of tea and a very large Whisky. Back later.
Regards ATFlynn. "Norfolk's Mutineer"
Monday, August 18, 2008
First things first. Again, the flooding of half of Norfolk is in the evening news. To my way of thinking there is only one way to deal with people like the bunch of **it at Westminster and Whitehall, and that is to use the technology of the day, and the tricks built into the convolutions that are now System of Taxation for the working Taxpayer, and just ignore Westminster and start again.
What I am thinking of is the remark I heard a week or so back "Home Rule for Norfolk"
and it would be perfectly legal. I have spoken to a number of District and County Councillors, and while it would be illegal for any elected officer to take part in such a manoeuvre, once it was done we could ask the Parish, Town and County Council to receive the Taxation in some orderly fashion. I do have suggestions to put forward. But others should be approach to offer their opinion.
Again, at the beginning of this year, I made a prediction that in my opinion, the European Union would not last out the year. It looks as if I might be right. Germany, France, Spain and Italy are in a very bad way financially. In fact, almost as bad as we in Britain are. And what I have been saying about Britains system of Taxation and how to avoid it, would apply across all of the EU. It's time we put these useless Politicians back in their boxes and nailed down.
This system already exists for quite a lot of people, I just want to make it available to all Taxpayer, especially PAYE payers. This bloody lot at Westminster have been robbing you for years. Now it is time to get your own back.
Regards, TaxAxe WatchKeeper. "Norfolk's Mutineer"
What I am thinking of is the remark I heard a week or so back "Home Rule for Norfolk"
and it would be perfectly legal. I have spoken to a number of District and County Councillors, and while it would be illegal for any elected officer to take part in such a manoeuvre, once it was done we could ask the Parish, Town and County Council to receive the Taxation in some orderly fashion. I do have suggestions to put forward. But others should be approach to offer their opinion.
Again, at the beginning of this year, I made a prediction that in my opinion, the European Union would not last out the year. It looks as if I might be right. Germany, France, Spain and Italy are in a very bad way financially. In fact, almost as bad as we in Britain are. And what I have been saying about Britains system of Taxation and how to avoid it, would apply across all of the EU. It's time we put these useless Politicians back in their boxes and nailed down.
This system already exists for quite a lot of people, I just want to make it available to all Taxpayer, especially PAYE payers. This bloody lot at Westminster have been robbing you for years. Now it is time to get your own back.
Regards, TaxAxe WatchKeeper. "Norfolk's Mutineer"
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
I had built up a good rapport with the BBC, Action Network. Or I thought I had.
The young Lady who used to be in charge, was charm itself. Madeleine Lewis. I believe she has now moved to a Radio Station or Programme.
I telephoned the Project Managers Office this afternoon to ask why some of my Posts had been remove from the Website, but I was told that the Action Network service, was to be run down.
I pointed out that on the Internet, the BBC, is Top of Google's Search Engine in some Areas. And to destroy that Privilege was rather akin to a selfinflicted wound. Could the BBC, be embarrassed by this success because of the Political content?
I'll wait until April 10th. and see what happens after that. Like the Sea, when you look out over the vast expanse of an Ocean, as in life, you only ever see the Surface. Happy Easter to All of You, Regards, Taxaxe, WatchKeeper.
The young Lady who used to be in charge, was charm itself. Madeleine Lewis. I believe she has now moved to a Radio Station or Programme.
I telephoned the Project Managers Office this afternoon to ask why some of my Posts had been remove from the Website, but I was told that the Action Network service, was to be run down.
I pointed out that on the Internet, the BBC, is Top of Google's Search Engine in some Areas. And to destroy that Privilege was rather akin to a selfinflicted wound. Could the BBC, be embarrassed by this success because of the Political content?
I'll wait until April 10th. and see what happens after that. Like the Sea, when you look out over the vast expanse of an Ocean, as in life, you only ever see the Surface. Happy Easter to All of You, Regards, Taxaxe, WatchKeeper.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Trouble With The Natives.
Shout 99 sent me an e-mail today, they have published my comments about Taxation, Politics and fraudulent Political activity.
It is a shame really, because I have now posted it here and on BBC, Action Network. And I have e-mailed it to other Websites. The way things are going, "we are living in interesting times", as the Chinese might say. Years ago, I was based in Singapore and I began to pick up a few of the Chinese words and phrases but the only ones that I remember are the rude ones. Funny that, I can swear in quite a lot of different languages.
Back to the Politics. I was reading Quentin Letts, Parliamentary column in the Daily Mail today, he has certainly marked John Huttons card. The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has one of the biggest budgets, if not The biggest Budget, of any Government Department. It stands to reason, he is for the biggest Drop when the time comes. All told, I think his Budget is in the region of £150 Billion, and I know some four or five years ago, the misuse, failed management and outright Fraud was responsible for the "loss" of £12 Billion. The Committee of MPs, responsible for reporting these affairs, reduced the Figure to £8 Billion, and the report is in the House of Commons Library. And it has, or was, some years since an Audit gave the DSS or DoHSS, a clean bill of health.
Enough for now. Back soon. Regards, AxetheTax/WatchKeeper.
It is a shame really, because I have now posted it here and on BBC, Action Network. And I have e-mailed it to other Websites. The way things are going, "we are living in interesting times", as the Chinese might say. Years ago, I was based in Singapore and I began to pick up a few of the Chinese words and phrases but the only ones that I remember are the rude ones. Funny that, I can swear in quite a lot of different languages.
Back to the Politics. I was reading Quentin Letts, Parliamentary column in the Daily Mail today, he has certainly marked John Huttons card. The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has one of the biggest budgets, if not The biggest Budget, of any Government Department. It stands to reason, he is for the biggest Drop when the time comes. All told, I think his Budget is in the region of £150 Billion, and I know some four or five years ago, the misuse, failed management and outright Fraud was responsible for the "loss" of £12 Billion. The Committee of MPs, responsible for reporting these affairs, reduced the Figure to £8 Billion, and the report is in the House of Commons Library. And it has, or was, some years since an Audit gave the DSS or DoHSS, a clean bill of health.
Enough for now. Back soon. Regards, AxetheTax/WatchKeeper.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
My Usual Sunday Rant.
I tried to post this letter on "Shout 99" last night at 20:54 and I left it "awaiting Moderation". It seems it was rejected. I printed out a copy because I half expected the elbow. Here goes.
Public Finances and Destructive Taxation
Today, it is perfectly legal and possible for all payers of Direct Taxation to ignore all demands from Central Government. The only Taxation you are obliged to pay is the Local Authority or Council Tax.
It is a very simple manoeuvre to register your working activity off-shore and to by-pass HMRC, just as a great many rich and very rich people do already. Is it Philip Green who has recently transferred two or three Billion Pounds out of the Country free of Taxation? Don't get me wrong, I don't object, I just want to make the same "concessions" available to one and all.
I have set out the framework for the use of any Employee or Employer who wants to change the way they pay their Taxation and made arrangements for cash to be available from ATMs or over the counter at your local Bank branch. How to pay your Utility bills and Council Tax without breaching any regulation or Law. And funding is available to put this into practice once demand justifies the cost.
I am not suggesting that you stop paying Taxation, just that you, the poor bloody Taxpayer now have your say and tell Westminster What They Can Have, full stop.
Again, this is not a commercial venture. I am 72 years old and I thought I had seen it all before. That is until this awful lot of make-believe Politicians picked up the pieces after the Tories self-destruction. I called them Politically corrupt, on one Website and was reprimanded in some Feedback because of it. I replied that if these members of the Government and the Cabinet, were not corrupted, the alternative was even worse to contemplate, They were just plain Stupid and had not the fainest idea of what they were doing. Take your choice.
Now, let me start that last paragraph again, I lost my way somewhat. I'm suggesting that you change to a system of Taxation that is very simple, where there is No room for creative accounting. You have a Tax threshold of £400 each week, and earned income over and above that is Taxed at a rate of 10%. I have excluded unearned income because the Pensions fiasco has to be accounted for.
Personally, I do not pay any Direct Taxation, but I do object to what is going on and the enormous amounts of money being spent on this Administration alone. This Government has printed so much money in the last few years, some people are drowning in it. We are now in a position where money no longer earns its keep. And now they have discovered that, for the most part, their investments in the Far East are not paying a return that covers inflation. If you look on the BBC Action Network, for the 1st. January 2006, and again, 1st. January 2007 you will see that I had April this year penciled in as the beginning of the "melt down". What happens now is that excess money will be invested in "Government" Bonds, and again, Taxation pays the returns. So you see, whichever way the Economy Fails, you the Taxpayer is the Victim, you pick up the pieces and pay the bills.
As things stand, you should take charge of of Taxation. You should tell the Venal Corruptible Politicians just how much Money they can have. Change the system. It is your Democracy, your Money and it is your Country, they are on trust to look after your Interests. What I see happening today, is not in the Interest of the British People. So, Change the Bloody System before it is too late.
And if you think about that, you will realise that there is no reason whatsoever, why you should not form your own small local Party and put yourself, or A N Other up for Election to your County, District or Local Authority. You could then develop the Economy on a local system of Taxation and By-Laws. Including "Planning Law".
To finish I want to say that there are some Organisations who are sympathetic to the general idea of this change, if not any of the detail. But my intention is that the cost of operating this system of collection, will be just £26. for each member per annum, 50 pence a week.
That is my basis to start from. Why put up with that lot of Bloody nonsense from Westminster and Whitehall, you don't have to you know. Regards, AxetheTax WatchKeeper.
Public Finances and Destructive Taxation
Today, it is perfectly legal and possible for all payers of Direct Taxation to ignore all demands from Central Government. The only Taxation you are obliged to pay is the Local Authority or Council Tax.
It is a very simple manoeuvre to register your working activity off-shore and to by-pass HMRC, just as a great many rich and very rich people do already. Is it Philip Green who has recently transferred two or three Billion Pounds out of the Country free of Taxation? Don't get me wrong, I don't object, I just want to make the same "concessions" available to one and all.
I have set out the framework for the use of any Employee or Employer who wants to change the way they pay their Taxation and made arrangements for cash to be available from ATMs or over the counter at your local Bank branch. How to pay your Utility bills and Council Tax without breaching any regulation or Law. And funding is available to put this into practice once demand justifies the cost.
I am not suggesting that you stop paying Taxation, just that you, the poor bloody Taxpayer now have your say and tell Westminster What They Can Have, full stop.
Again, this is not a commercial venture. I am 72 years old and I thought I had seen it all before. That is until this awful lot of make-believe Politicians picked up the pieces after the Tories self-destruction. I called them Politically corrupt, on one Website and was reprimanded in some Feedback because of it. I replied that if these members of the Government and the Cabinet, were not corrupted, the alternative was even worse to contemplate, They were just plain Stupid and had not the fainest idea of what they were doing. Take your choice.
Now, let me start that last paragraph again, I lost my way somewhat. I'm suggesting that you change to a system of Taxation that is very simple, where there is No room for creative accounting. You have a Tax threshold of £400 each week, and earned income over and above that is Taxed at a rate of 10%. I have excluded unearned income because the Pensions fiasco has to be accounted for.
Personally, I do not pay any Direct Taxation, but I do object to what is going on and the enormous amounts of money being spent on this Administration alone. This Government has printed so much money in the last few years, some people are drowning in it. We are now in a position where money no longer earns its keep. And now they have discovered that, for the most part, their investments in the Far East are not paying a return that covers inflation. If you look on the BBC Action Network, for the 1st. January 2006, and again, 1st. January 2007 you will see that I had April this year penciled in as the beginning of the "melt down". What happens now is that excess money will be invested in "Government" Bonds, and again, Taxation pays the returns. So you see, whichever way the Economy Fails, you the Taxpayer is the Victim, you pick up the pieces and pay the bills.
As things stand, you should take charge of of Taxation. You should tell the Venal Corruptible Politicians just how much Money they can have. Change the system. It is your Democracy, your Money and it is your Country, they are on trust to look after your Interests. What I see happening today, is not in the Interest of the British People. So, Change the Bloody System before it is too late.
And if you think about that, you will realise that there is no reason whatsoever, why you should not form your own small local Party and put yourself, or A N Other up for Election to your County, District or Local Authority. You could then develop the Economy on a local system of Taxation and By-Laws. Including "Planning Law".
To finish I want to say that there are some Organisations who are sympathetic to the general idea of this change, if not any of the detail. But my intention is that the cost of operating this system of collection, will be just £26. for each member per annum, 50 pence a week.
That is my basis to start from. Why put up with that lot of Bloody nonsense from Westminster and Whitehall, you don't have to you know. Regards, AxetheTax WatchKeeper.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Another Mistake. It must be Monday.
Yesterday I posted a short article, listing some of my links. One link was for the other Website on this Dashboard. -: http://endofdirecttaxation.blogspot.com and the other Website
is-: http://watchkeeperstaxation.blogspot.com I am now so confused, I'm not sure which site I'm on. It should be, End of Direct Taxation.
The reason for all this confusion is the fact that I've been trawling the on-Line Observer and it has left me a bit dazed. I'm sure I started on Monday 12th. but then it was back to Sundaythe 11th.
And "they" say technology saves time ? Don't you believe a word of it. A straightforward letter, Dear Sir, Yours Sincerely. would have taken half an hour. So far I've been on this thing for two and a half hours. And I'm not finished yet.
Now that I am here I'll point out these two sites and ask you, if you have the time that is, have a look, and let me know if I'm wasting my time. A great many Well Off People, avoid Taxation. I just want All the Workers on PAYE to have the same opportunity. The "little people," the "ordinary people", as Blair calls them.
Well folks, time for Tea. Regards, ATF. WatchKeeper.
is-: http://watchkeeperstaxation.blogspot.com I am now so confused, I'm not sure which site I'm on. It should be, End of Direct Taxation.
The reason for all this confusion is the fact that I've been trawling the on-Line Observer and it has left me a bit dazed. I'm sure I started on Monday 12th. but then it was back to Sundaythe 11th.
And "they" say technology saves time ? Don't you believe a word of it. A straightforward letter, Dear Sir, Yours Sincerely. would have taken half an hour. So far I've been on this thing for two and a half hours. And I'm not finished yet.
Now that I am here I'll point out these two sites and ask you, if you have the time that is, have a look, and let me know if I'm wasting my time. A great many Well Off People, avoid Taxation. I just want All the Workers on PAYE to have the same opportunity. The "little people," the "ordinary people", as Blair calls them.
Well folks, time for Tea. Regards, ATF. WatchKeeper.
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- AxeTheTax./ WatchKeeper
- Left school Christmas 1949. Joined Army 1953. First went to Sea in 1956, apart from Troopships while in the Army, and I was in Melbourne for Olympics of '56, just the start. Then joined Oil Exploration Service Company in 1960 (?) finishing in 1978/9